Egg Donation in Chennai

At KIC-Chennai egg donation program assists those women who are unable to produce their own healthy eggs for conceiving a baby. Egg donation in Chennai, India is most certainly new. A fertile woman, whose ovary releases an egg at timely intervals, can donate the egg to infertile couples and help fulfill their dreams of becoming parents. Successive embryo transfer is resulting in cumulative success rate of conceiving by 90%.

Recommendations for egg donation

KIC-Chennai infertility experts recommend egg donation in case the female patient is unable to conceive with her own eggs due to the following factors-

  • She has no ovaries or ovaries have had them removed.
  • Has undergone cancer treatment which has resulted in the damage to ovaries.
  • She is post-menopausal.
  • She is producing few or low-quality eggs.
  • Had repeatedly tried to conceive unsuccessfully using fertility drugs or IVF.
  • The female patient has had several recurrent miscarriages.
  • She has a high risk of passing on serious inherited disorders.
  • Unexplained failure of IVF consecutively
Egg donation in chennai

Who can be an egg donor in Chennai, India?

Egg donation is not as simple as sperm donation, but it is an easy process that demands some amount of commitment from the donor. Egg donors must also meet criteria laid down by the Indian law. The ideal egg donor is a healthy Egg donation in India woman below the age of 35.

Before she can donate her eggs, she will be screened thoroughly with tests such as an ultrasound of her reproductive system, a pelvic exam, blood tests, psychological screening and a complete review of her medical history. At KIC-Chennai – egg donors are healthy women between ages of 21-32 who are eligible for our egg donation program. Our team at KIC- Chennai handles every step of the process with utmost integrity and discretion – to protect your privacy as well as the donor’s.

KIC – Chennai follows stringent selection methods as per the Indian laws when it comes to selecting an egg donor and these include-

  • The prospective donor chosen is a healthy individual in all respects.
  • She does not have any major abnormality or genetic disorders.
  • Screening test for HIV, HbsAg, VDRL & hepatitis are performed.
  • A physical examination, endocrine profile, ultrasound examination or pelvis.
  • Medical screening for any physical or mental weaknesses is done.
  • Written approval to ensure that the egg donation process is completely understood.

FAQ’s on Egg Donation

  • 1.Why do I need Egg Donors or Oocyte Donors for IVF and Altruistic Surrogacy?

    Egg donors are an important part of Assisted Reproduction, as about 30 per cent of women suffer from infertility due to a diminished or absent ovarian reserve. Many women may have unique genetic disorders, such as cystic fibrosis or fragile x syndrome, which means they cannot have their babies that are genetically related to them. The majority of KIC’s egg donors are by word of mouth and online knowledge.

  • 2. Do you provide Egg Donors or do I contact the third party Egg Donation Agency?

    KIC has a large database of over 300 egg donors from the Indian, Caucasian, Thai and African American nations. KIC is not working with third party agencies.

  • 3. Is the donation of Egg affordable? If you need an egg donor, what are the costs involved?

    Yeah, egg donations are inexpensive but egg donor fees differ depending on their education and other qualities.

  • 4. Do You Have Caucasian Egg Donors?

    Yes, we have about 150 Caucasian egg donors in our database.

  • 5. Do You Have Indian Egg Donors?

    Yes, we have vast list of Indian egg donors

  • 6. Do You Have African Egg Donors?

    Yes, we have both African as well as American egg donors.

  • 7. Do you have an Asian egg donor or an Oriental egg donor or a Thai egg donor?


  • 8. How am I supposed to go about IVF with the Egg Donation?

    The female undergoing this form of treatment undergoes what is known as the Down regulated cycle, which is to balance the patient’s cycle with the Donor cycle.

  • 9. How do I use Egg Donation to go about Altruistic surrogacy?

    The egg donation process is similar to IVF process. The only difference is that the fetus is then passed to a surrogate mother.

  • 10. What is the medical process involved in the donation of the egg?

    To cause super-ovulation, Controlled ovarian hyper-stimulation (COH) is performed. You can contact one of our physicians at for more information

  • 11. What Tests Are Done On Egg Donors?

    The tests on egg donors consist of: Fertility monitoring with hormonal and ultrasonic assays STD tests Routine Pathology and Clinical tests Genetic and chromosome assays Psychological examinations and tests

  • 12. What Are The Success Rates With Egg Donation?

    Success levels differ from cycle to cycle depending on the number and quality of embryos transferred, the average rate of pregnancy (3 cycles) in IVF is 83% and the surrogacy rate is 94%.

  • 13. How Can I Be An Egg Donor?

    You need to submit your profile and you can write to us at

  • 14. How Much Do I Get Paid To Be An Egg Donor?

    The fees offered are confidential and may vary depending on your profile. You can write to us through Volunteers: Relatives Professional donors Donor Selection Age under 30 years No history of Genetic / Chromosomal infections. Advisory and informed consent For detailed information regarding egg donation please contact us through – KIC –Chennai. Email: Phone no: +919948175768